Please unban me for vm violation

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Please unban me for vm violation  Topic is solved

Postby Vuud » 30 Mar 2014, 19:40

I don't have any intention of playing under a VM. I was researching map generators and saw in the forums that this Duck guy had made one. i do all my work in OSX and wanted to check out his maps to see if I should throw in with him or just start from scratch. So I fired up my Fusion Bootcamp install to look at the map vault and see his examples. (The VM on my machine makes it unplayable really, at least with SupCom2 it was).

Bam, banned without even starting up a game.

So I searched the forum and found the steamlink thing, I figured that would get me out of trouble and I would not need to bug anyone.

1. Did the steamlink page.
2. Logged into steam as it said to do.
3 Got steam community dev page (Which seems wrong) - I pasted the link here, but the forum thought my post looked too spamy and was rejecting me lol

Still can't log into FAF. I could care about steam, although I almost played from a work laptop last trip... so maybe I do... but in the short term I would like to be able to play FAF again.

Thanks for any help

PS. If you look at my FAF record, you'll see I rarely play outside of 2 or 3 friends or AI.
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Joined: 30 Mar 2014, 19:16
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FAF User Name: Vuud

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