King of Nomads

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King of Nomads

Postby Voodoo » 05 Mar 2014, 21:28

Tournament starts on March 8, Saturday, at 19:00 GMT
(please be online 15 minutes before the tournament starts)

- only the Nomad faction is allowed to be played
- Double Elemination system (KO with winner and loser brackets)
- standard ladder settings
- 40 min of real time per game
- draw = rematch (2. draw = both players are out)


Winner Bracket:
R1: Balmy FA
R2: Desert Joust
R3: Dry Canyon v3
R4: Emerald Crater
R5: Eye of the Storm

Loser Bracket:
R1: Fields of Thunder V2
R2: Saltrock Colony
R3: The Cold Place
R4: Frozen Isis
R5: Last Oasis
R6: Regor VI Highlands
R7: High Noon
R8: Island Zero

Finals: The Dark Heart and The Cold Place

1st: Nomads tournament champion
Nomads Tournament Champion.png
Nomads Tournament Champion.png (4.32 KiB) Viewed 4373 times

2nd and 3rd place: Nomads faction icon
Nomads.png (3.66 KiB) Viewed 4373 times

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Re: King of Nomads

Postby pip » 06 Mar 2014, 20:15

To all competitors: make sure to download / update and try the mod before the tournament starts because it weighs more than 150 mb.

There is a guide for the faction unique features and units here:

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Re: King of Nomads

Postby S_SoulReaver » 09 Mar 2014, 00:48

Hey all, I`m S_SoulReaver from the good old AnacondaS Klan from Total Annihilation, I was an replay addicted, spending many saturday nights up to 4 am just watching TA replays. Also I love racing and casted a lot of virtual races. I`m enjoying playing and watching FA now, and want to cast this torney just for the sake of it.

Already got most of games IDs, just have to get my recording software and the game spec to work in harmony and I`ll be good to go.

It will take a while until all games are uploaded, a long while as my upload is not the best, and there`s a lot of games to cover. I`m not sure if I`ll make it to the finals, but I`m sure I`m going to try.

If anyone else is interested in casting theese games and want the IDs, here`s what I gathered so far:

Winner Bracket
Round 1
Map: Balmy Fa
A 1946468 VladDracula vs pip
B 1946486 Funkmastermp vs Avantgarde
C 1946487 buttyst vs Raghar
D ??? Apofenas vs InTIMIEtator789
E 1946503 Freshy vs LonelyTank
F 1946463 D4E_Omit vs PirateLord
G 1946495 manread vs Tokyto_

Loser Bracker
Round 1
Map: Fields of Thunder V2 (Dry Canyon V3)
Y 1946902 Tokyto vs pip*
Z LonelyTank vs Funkmastermp
AA 1946702 Apofenas vs Raghar
AB buttyst vs InTIMIEtator789
AC 1946792 Avantgarde vs Freshy*
AD 1946781 Lame vs D4E_Omit*
AE 1946778 VladDracula vs manread*

Round 2
Winner Bracket
Map: Desert Joust
H 1946570 Luxy vs VladDracula
I 1946645 Lame vs Silient
J 1946634 Nepalm vs Avantgarde
K 1946600 Chevalier vs buttyst
L 1946596 Mr-Smith vs Apofenas
M 1946665 System_Failure vs LonelyTank
N 1946749 Joly vs PirateLord
O 1946796 speed2 vs Tokyto

Loser Bracket
Map: Saltrock Colony
AF PirateLord vs Tokyto
AG 1946919 LonelyTank vs Apofenas
AH 1946943 InTIMIEtator789 vs Freshy
AI 1946950 D4E_Omit vs VladDracula

Round 3
Map: Dry Canyon v3
P 1946778 Luxy vs Silient
Q 1946791 Nepalm vs Chevalier
R 1946777 Mr-Smith vs Syst_Failure
S 1946893 Joly vs speed2

Map: The Cold Place
AJ 1947062 Chevalier vs Tokyto
AK 1947025 Silient vs Apofenas
AL 1947138 speed2 vs Freshy
AM 1947056 Syst_Failure vs VladDracula

Round 4
Map: Emerald Crate
T 1946898 Luxy vs Nepalm
U 1947075 Mr-Smith vs Joly

Map: Frozen Isis
AN 1947205 Tokyto vs Silient
AO 1947358 speed2 vs Syst_Failure

Round 5
WB Semifinals
Map: Eye of the Storm
V 1947179 Luxy vs Mr-Smith

Map: Last Oasis
AP Joly vs Silient
AQ 1947527 Nepalm vs Syst_Failure

Round 6
Map: Regor VI Highlands
AR Silient vs Syst_Failure

Round 7
LB Semifinals
Map: High Noon
AS Mr.Smith vs Syst_Failure

Round 8
Map: The Dark Heat
W Luxy vs
Final B
Map: The Cold Place

You can cast any, I won`t be mad, I don`t have an expert opinion in a lot of things about the game. Just don`t be map If I cast the same game later...
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Re: King of Nomads

Postby Voodoo » 09 Mar 2014, 01:22


1# Luxy
2# Mr-Smith

Unbenannt.JPG (157.58 KiB) Viewed 4219 times
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Re: King of Nomads

Postby pip » 09 Mar 2014, 12:52

Thank you Voodoo for the biggest Nomads tournament so far, and to all participants!

Please post your feedback in the Nomads forum wether it is about balance concerns, bugs, abilities questions, or feedback about the new sounds (they are not definitive, we are currently trying to add custom sounds) or the fx.
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Re: King of Nomads

Postby S_SoulReaver » 09 Mar 2014, 13:04

Well, captured around 13 games so far, almost half of them, this don`t wear me out as I thought it would, and the games are really short. Just couldn`t get enough. :lol:

Still will take a while to encode them and upload. But be sure that I`ll finish casting them all.
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Re: King of Nomads

Postby Brute51 » 09 Mar 2014, 14:08

Thanks guys for playing and Voodoo for hosting. It was very nice to see the players learning how to play with Nomads. The replays will help a lot to develop the faction further. And thanks SoulReaver for casting!

@S_SoulReaver, some more replay IDs:

D Apofenas vs InTIMIEtator789

AE 1946778 VladDracula vs manread*
I think this one should be 1946730, not 1946778

AR Silient vs Syst_Failure

AS Mr.Smith vs Syst_Failure

Round 8
W Luxy vs
Map: The Cold Place
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Re: King of Nomads

Postby S_SoulReaver » 10 Mar 2014, 23:40

Thanks for the help, some replays were impossible for me to find.

Uploading the first batch tonight. I have the first match uploaded already, but this one the sound was way to low, and the game was hard on Frames, I changed a lot of configurations for the next replays. Meanwhile, casted all 2 rounds of the upper bracket and half of the first lower bracker round. Gonna cast more tonight. Anyway, almost half of the games were casted already. Thanks for the maps wich had a lot of resources, the games were very quick. It`s just amazing how much can help in just 10 minutes in a SupComm 1x1.
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Re: King of Nomads

Postby S_SoulReaver » 10 Mar 2014, 23:49

Well, here is the first match, with all the problems I said above, and below, a test I made for the new settings, I want a resolution that you can actually see the mass and energy income when watching the video on YT.

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Re: King of Nomads

Postby S_SoulReaver » 11 Mar 2014, 03:43

Finished recording the R2 of the Lower Bracket, and the Upper Bracket R2 was done before that.

24 games down, 18 to go.

And encoded 15 games already, going to put them to upload when I go to sleep, they should be up tomorrow, at least some, not the best upload speed.
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