Unable to terminate process

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Unable to terminate process

Postby Amundies » 02 Mar 2014, 04:44

Hey guys,

I've got multiple FAForever.exe open in the "Details" tab of Task Manager, and when I type tasklist in cmd I find them there as well. When I try to terminate them using task manager, it gives me an error saying "Access is Denied". When try to terminate using taskkill /f /IM FAForever.exe AND using taskkill /PID [PID number] /f it says "Error: The Process with PID [PID Number] could not be terminated. Reason: There is no running instance of the task." However when I open up the Resource Monitor there are multiple FAForever.exe which all have the status "Running".

I've also attempted to install Process Hacker and terminate it using that, but I keep receiving an error that says "An attempt was made to access an exiting process."

I've tried both uninstalling FAF and reinstalling as well as shutting down the computer and switching it back on, none of which has worked. I know this isn't a problem with FAF, but I've got no clue as to how to fix this problem.

I've got a Windows 8 Laptop right now, FAF was working fine on my desktop which had Windows 7.

Thanks for your time,
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Re: Unable to terminate process

Postby Ze_PilOt » 02 Mar 2014, 13:10

I do not have access to windows 8, so can't really help you.

It's probable that it still has a process attached to it, or refuse to close because a port is still opened.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Unable to terminate process

Postby Amundies » 03 Mar 2014, 09:54

How would I close the port (or have you got a website that guides me through the process)?
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Re: Unable to terminate process

Postby Ze_PilOt » 03 Mar 2014, 10:04

It should be done automatically when FAF is shut down.

If it has crashed, it can take some time for the port to be freed.

If you have the problem just after a reboot, on your first attempt to launch FAF, then something is really blocking these ports. You will have to tell me if it's the case.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Unable to terminate process  Topic is solved

Postby Xinnony » 03 Mar 2014, 12:03

Ze_PilOt wrote:It should be done automatically when FAF is shut down.

I had the same problems, after the closure of FAF, my FA was always open.

Reboot = fixed.
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Re: Unable to terminate process

Postby Amundies » 04 Mar 2014, 06:03

It's working now, thanks so much to both of you!
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