replays not found

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replays not found  Topic is solved

Postby ax0lotl » 28 Feb 2014, 22:40

I mentioned this in another topic, but to keep things seperated, here is a specific topic.

The search function in the replay vault returns very little of the past few days.

When I search the replay vault for my name, since tuesday 25/2 afternoon, I only find 2 replays out of 15. And those 2 are extremely short games. I tried searching on names of people I played with in the past days, and mostly for them the last game found is of 24/2.
To be sure it was not related to my FAF installation, I deleted C:\Programdata\FAForever, let it reinstall after connecting to FAF and a game, and played a ladder game. That game is visible properly in the list of recent replays (without searching), I can download the replay. But it is not found when searching.

When I search for replays with min. rating 2000, these are the numbers of replays I find:
23/2 after 18:00 - 27
24/2 - 70
25/2 until 18:00: 35
25/2 after 18:00: 3
26/2: 5
27/2: 0
28/2 until 21:30: 6

As mentioned in the other thread, I think unrelated, but who knows, because also since recently: when exiting a game via the score window, I have to click the Score button twice, the first time it does not function.
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Re: replays not found

Postby Monk_ » 01 Mar 2014, 19:01

Yes, I have been noticing same things. I hardly see any replays from anybody over the last few days. Even games I have been in don't show in vault. I search on everyone that was in game and cant find them under anyone. I was getting errors sometimes, but have yet to get one today.
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