Replay vault crash's

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Replay vault crash's

Postby Monk_ » 27 Feb 2014, 04:15

Hi, I keep getting crashes when searching other peaples replays.

here is the error

**FAF Version:** 0.10.109

**FAF Directory:** C:\ProgramData\FAForever

**FA Path:** C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance

**Home Directory:** C:\Users\Jim\Documents

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "replays\_replayswidget.pyc", line 170, in replayVault
File "replays\replayitem.pyc", line 137, in update
ValueError: (22, 'Invalid argument')


I did a search but didn't see anything releated, I tried clearing cache but still does it.

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Re: Replay vault crash's

Postby ax0lotl » 27 Feb 2014, 14:51

I have the same with specific names. Search for replays of player xZalax and FA crashes. For other players it does not.

I came to this trying to investigate another issue: some replays seems to not be indexed since 25 or 26/2. I saw replays of mine in the list of recent replays, but they do not show up when i search on my own name.
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Re: Replay vault crash's

Postby Monk_ » 27 Feb 2014, 17:57

yeah I don't see recent replays either.
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Re: Replay vault crash's

Postby Ze_PilOt » 27 Feb 2014, 19:02

Monk_ wrote:yeah I don't see recent replays either.

I cannot confirm this.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Replay vault crash's

Postby ax0lotl » 27 Feb 2014, 20:54

My replays of yesterday (4) I do not find when searching, same for the last 3 the evening before. Of course sometimes a replay is not found back, but I never had 7 in a row. Of today I do find some replays again (2 out of 4).
In any case we've got local replays.

Maybe this could be related: Since a few days when exiting via the Score screen, the first time I click the score button, nothing happens (I think the button changes color to a pressed state and stays like that). Pressing the button a second time does open the Score window.

On the original topic: The FAF error when searching on certain user names is still reproducable for me with user xZalax.

Edit: Sorry for going off-topic. I made a seperate topic on the little search results now.
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