After a long absence, I've decided to resurrect the Intergalatic Colosseum Clan War format.
The format is as following :
2 1v1, best of three. Give two points for the winner of each Bo3.
2 2v2, best of one. Give 3 points for the winner.
1 3v3, best of one. Give 3 points for the winner.
The matches will take place every Sunday at 8pm GMT+2 :
The 2v2 and 1v1 will be played at the same time.
That's why each clan need at least 6 players + at least 2 backups.
The tournament is round-robin : Each clan will fight every other clan.
That means a commitment over several weeks (depend of the number of clans registered).
Showing up on time is crucial.
Clans should show up 30 minutes before tournament launch time, the minimal amount of players required (6).
A clan who's late by more than 15 minutes, or without the required number of players, will automatically receive a loss.
Please register here, with these infos:
- Clanname
- Clantag
- Clanleader
- Lineup