Hello, I haven't found anything like my problem here so I post this.
The thing is that every time I join anyone's game, just in a few seconds after I see the players, the map and so on, everybody except for me and the host himself (and very rarely some other guy) loses connection to the game. All what host and see are messages "%username% timed out". It just was 8 players - and now it's only two of us. Strangely, but after that I see messages "Connection with %username% established" about every player that have just dropped, however, they do not appear and when they try to join the game again they are timing out once more after a few seconds. So the game is effectively broken, only me, host and anyone (if any) who has "survived" my joining can stay in. People who join after me for the first time also get timed out in most cases.
There's no problem with me hosting a game, however, I've got around 80-90 games played all hosted by myself and there were no problems managing 8+ players.
I've tried deleting all the mods, maps; activating UPnP (i use router), nothing helped me.
Here are the logs just after I've broken someone's game again:
forever.log - http://pastebin.com/ZyrtunDS
game.log - http://pastebin.com/dpuUp4Aq