unable to create a custom game

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unable to create a custom game

Postby prohibido87 » 08 Jan 2014, 20:49

(438.6 KiB) Downloaded 32 times
Hi there!!
I can´t be the host of a custom game, or fight when my attack gets defended on GW
I DO can join custom games and play them problem-free

black screen... the mouse loads, like when you got the "trying to connect" sign, but without the sign
if I alt+F4, I got the "are you sure to leave" or something like that, with button sounds and everything
But if i just wait, nothing happens. I never get to the lobby or to the fight in GW. Just the black screen with a useless mouse

I read a lot of topics with similar or same problems, but non of the solutions worked for me.
I already disabeled firewall, anti-virus, and other programs that might do something on network connections

Thanks in advance!

the logs...
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FAF? whats that? I only play tetris
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Re: unable to create a custom game

Postby Ze_PilOt » 08 Jan 2014, 20:59

faforever.log ? (after a failed attempt).
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: unable to create a custom game

Postby prohibido87 » 08 Jan 2014, 21:08

there you go!
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FAF? whats that? I only play tetris
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Re: unable to create a custom game

Postby Ze_PilOt » 08 Jan 2014, 21:16

The server never see you connecting.
Check your AV/firewall/peerblock again.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: unable to create a custom game  Topic is solved

Postby prohibido87 » 09 Jan 2014, 00:58

still having the problem
I checked all but the router... And I cant acces it for now, so I guess this is it!!
Thanks for everything! I'll bother you once i am able to check the gateway
FAF? whats that? I only play tetris
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