by AgentX2009 » 06 Jan 2014, 10:30
Ok clicked the used ranked options button in the lobby. Did a duo with my friend on FA Campaign Black Day. Duo ranking only goes to 49 with that time being 01:06:22 Replay UID: 1387445. Our play through took a lot longer than that 03:20:55 but as I understand it should still make the number 50 slot on the leader board since there is currently no number 50 time. Our Replay UID: 1723159 if you wish to take a look. Another weird thing is one of the trio replays lists 3 players ( 33 3 pawel054, Komar317, YaRacBeT No 01:14:46 1716995 ) but there are only two players playing.
So my questions are:
Why am I not making the leader board?
How does a duo get listed as a trio?
Could you give me a complete list of what each option should be set as to be able to make it on the leader board just in case the auto button is not properly applying the correct settings.
Can having a password on the game prevent making it on the leader board?