i get this warning (as i checked many others too) over and over in the log:
- Code: Select all
WARNING: SND: XACT3DApply failed.
Invalid arg
I did a small 1min skirmish to get a log:
I started FAF 3628 as
C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe /init init_faf.lua /log scfa.log /EnableDiskWatch /window 1680 1050 /showlog
based on FA 3603 with no mods or other than default maps.
It seems that the log entry shows once some sounds are played in FA. I dont have any problems with sound. I am using a 5.1 configuration, spdif connection, dolby digital live output set in windows, realtek v6.0.1.7083. 5.1 sound is generated fine from FAF.
Start Skirmish, e.g. walk with your ACU. For every step the ACU makes, you hear a sqeaking sound "uii", "uiii", .... Each such sound triggers such log entry.
I also see that log entry with FA 3603, so this is nothing new to FAF 3628. But it really clogs up the log, it makes up 90% of entries for me.