Uninstalled/reinstalled FAForever, played a new game, and still the same problem, some stats are messed up.
Looks like here is the relevent log:
- Code: Select all
info: called Set_graph...
info: Warning: Unable to find file \000/hotstats/score/
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/dialogs/dialog_txt.lua\000'
info: PAGE_GRAPH called
info: Number of data found:\000342
info: Number of data found:\000342
info: 885103
info: Value the highest:\0001000000\000 final time saved:\0003420\000 scale factor on y:\0000.0007999999797903
debug: Playing movie h:\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\movies\menu_background.sfd: 272889
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.014257812872529\000 t:\0004581.15625\000 t1:\0004581.298828125
info: So refresh all the \00018.28564453125\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.014453125186265\000 t:\0004581.15625\000 t1:\0004581.30078125
info: So refresh all the \00018.5361328125\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: 1st:\000852115
info: 2nd:\000885103
info: x: \0001820\000 ya:\000232.33444213867\000 yb:\000211.91760253906
info: 1st:\000437940
info: 2nd:\000440219
info: x: \0001820\000 ya:\000567.01202392578\000 yb:\000567.82482910156
info: total time:\0001.95361328125
info: total time:\0001.95361328125
info: Number of data found:\000342
info: 885103
info: Value the highest:\0001000000\000 final time saved:\0003420\000 scale factor on y:\0000.0007999999797903
info: -----------------------\000score
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.014697265811265\000 t:\0004585.8676757813\000 t1:\0004586.0146484375
info: So refresh all the \00018.849243164063\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.014892578125\000 t:\0004585.8676757813\000 t1:\0004586.0166015625
info: So refresh all the \00019.099731445313\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
warning: Error running lua script: ...d alliance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\maui\bitmap.lua(35): Game object has been destroyed
stack traceback:
[C]: in function `InternalCreateBitmap'
...d alliance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\maui\bitmap.lua(35): in function `initfn'
...aforever\gamedata\faforever.nxt\lua\system\class.lua(258): in function <...aforever\gamedata\faforever.nxt\lua\system\class.lua:246>
...r\gamedata\faforever.nxt\lua\ui\dialogs\hotstats.lua(1035): in function <...r\gamedata\faforever.nxt\lua\ui\dialogs\hotstats.lua:964>
info: GPGNET: setting nat handler to 0x00000000
info: CNetTCPBuf::Read(): recv() failed: WSAEINTR
info: Run time: 1h16m32s
Seems there is an issue with the "hotstats".