Game stats/score completly messed

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Game stats/score completly messed

Postby Kissifrot » 14 Dec 2013, 02:12


I played 2 games against a friend teamed with AI (replay ID 1634164 and 1634683), my "team" won, but the game indicated the other team won. The stats were also messed up, especially the CDR stats (there were 0 killed).

Attached is the(zipped) FA logs, hope it helps.
Logs of the game
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Re: Game stats/score completly messed

Postby Kissifrot » 15 Dec 2013, 13:30

Uninstalled/reinstalled FAForever, played a new game, and still the same problem, some stats are messed up.

Looks like here is the relevent log:
Code: Select all
info: called Set_graph...
info: Warning: Unable to find file \000/hotstats/score/
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/dialogs/dialog_txt.lua\000'
info: PAGE_GRAPH called
info: Number of data found:\000342
info: Number of data found:\000342
info: 885103
info: Value the highest:\0001000000\000   final time saved:\0003420\000   scale factor on y:\0000.0007999999797903
debug: Playing movie h:\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\movies\menu_background.sfd: 272889
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.014257812872529\000  t:\0004581.15625\000   t1:\0004581.298828125
info: So refresh all the \00018.28564453125\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.014453125186265\000  t:\0004581.15625\000   t1:\0004581.30078125
info: So refresh all the \00018.5361328125\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: 1st:\000852115
info: 2nd:\000885103
info: x: \0001820\000  ya:\000232.33444213867\000  yb:\000211.91760253906
info: 1st:\000437940
info: 2nd:\000440219
info: x: \0001820\000  ya:\000567.01202392578\000  yb:\000567.82482910156
info: total time:\0001.95361328125
info: total time:\0001.95361328125
info: Number of data found:\000342
info: 885103
info: Value the highest:\0001000000\000   final time saved:\0003420\000   scale factor on y:\0000.0007999999797903
info: -----------------------\000score
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.014697265811265\000  t:\0004585.8676757813\000   t1:\0004586.0146484375
info: So refresh all the \00018.849243164063\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.014892578125\000  t:\0004585.8676757813\000   t1:\0004586.0166015625
info: So refresh all the \00019.099731445313\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
warning: Error running lua script: ...d alliance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\maui\bitmap.lua(35): Game object has been destroyed
         stack traceback:
            [C]: in function `InternalCreateBitmap'
            ...d alliance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\maui\bitmap.lua(35): in function `initfn'
            ...aforever\gamedata\faforever.nxt\lua\system\class.lua(258): in function <...aforever\gamedata\faforever.nxt\lua\system\class.lua:246>
            ...r\gamedata\faforever.nxt\lua\ui\dialogs\hotstats.lua(1035): in function <...r\gamedata\faforever.nxt\lua\ui\dialogs\hotstats.lua:964>
info: GPGNET: setting nat handler to 0x00000000
info: CNetTCPBuf::Read(): recv() failed: WSAEINTR
info: Run time: 1h16m32s

Seems there is an issue with the "hotstats".
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FAF User Name: Kissifrot

Re: Game stats/score completly messed

Postby Ze_PilOt » 15 Dec 2013, 17:53

Hotstat is integrated with FAF.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Game stats/score completly messed

Postby Kissifrot » 15 Dec 2013, 20:28

It seems deleting the file game.prefs fixed the problem (already deleted my old profile before, but didn't touch the game.prefs itself), made a quick test against AI, and scores are now correct. Weird :P
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Re: Game stats/score completly messed

Postby Kissifrot » 21 Dec 2013, 04:28

Hum the problem happened again when playing with a friend:
Code: Select all
info: GAMERESULT : \000defeat -1
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 0
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 1
info: GAMERESULT : \000victory 5
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 5
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 1
info: GAMERESULT : \000victory 6
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 5
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 6
debug: Loading module '\000/effects/entities/uefnukeeffect05/uefnukeeffect05_script.lua\000'
info: syncing max ping markers: \00015
debug: OpenMovie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 502738
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 502738
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 502738
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 502738
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 502738
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 502738
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 502738
info: called Set_graph...
info: Warning: Unable to find file \000/hotstats/score/
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/dialogs/dialog_txt.lua\000'
info: PAGE_GRAPH called
info: Number of data found:\000599
info: Number of data found:\000599
info: 3663724
info: Value the highest:\0005000000\000   final time saved:\0005990\000   scale factor on y:\0000.00015999999595806
debug: Playing movie h:\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\movies\menu_background.sfd: 502739
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.01513671875\000  t:\0009111.244140625\000   t1:\0009111.3955078125
info: So refresh all the \00032.354736328125\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.015917968004942\000  t:\0009111.244140625\000   t1:\0009111.4033203125
info: So refresh all the \00034.024658203125\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: total time:\0002.3955078125
info: 1st:\0003658028
info: 2nd:\0003663724
info: x: \0001820\000  ya:\000333.39624023438\000  yb:\000333.80419921875
info: 1st:\0002578299
info: 2nd:\0002578299
info: x: \0001820\000  ya:\000506.47216796875\000  yb:\000507.47216796875
info: 1st:\0001094954
info: 2nd:\0001251042
info: x: \0001820\000  ya:\000742.64343261719\000  yb:\000719.83325195313
info: 1st:\000867702
info: 2nd:\000868834
info: x: \0001820\000  ya:\000780.10260009766\000  yb:\000780.98657226563
info: total time:\0002.515625
info: Number of data found:\000599
info: 3663724
info: Value the highest:\0005000000\000   final time saved:\0005990\000   scale factor on y:\0000.00015999999595806
info: -----------------------\000score
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.015625\000  t:\0009116.40234375\000   t1:\0009116.55859375
info: So refresh all the \00033.3984375\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.016406249254942\000  t:\0009116.40234375\000   t1:\0009116.56640625
info: So refresh all the \00035.068359375\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
warning: Error running lua script: ...d alliance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\maui\bitmap.lua(35): Game object has been destroyed
         stack traceback:
            [C]: in function `InternalCreateBitmap'
            ...d alliance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\maui\bitmap.lua(35): in function `initfn'
            ...aforever\gamedata\faforever.nxt\lua\system\class.lua(258): in function <...aforever\gamedata\faforever.nxt\lua\system\class.lua:246>
            ...r\gamedata\faforever.nxt\lua\ui\dialogs\hotstats.lua(1035): in function <...r\gamedata\faforever.nxt\lua\ui\dialogs\hotstats.lua:964>
info: GPGNET: setting nat handler to 0x00000000
info: CNetTCPBuf::Read(): recv() failed: WSAEINTR
info: Run time: 2h32m22s

Replay ID is 1659362
Posts: 6
Joined: 19 Oct 2013, 16:56
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FAF User Name: Kissifrot

Re: Game stats/score completly messed

Postby Kissifrot » 04 Jan 2014, 01:34

Sorry to "spam" this topic, but the problem happened again, this time my friend was hosting the game.

Replay ID 1713173

This is getting a bit annoying :P
My game logs
(82.04 KiB) Downloaded 43 times
My friend's game logs
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