WWPC reloaded

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WWPC reloaded

Postby SeraphimLeftNut » 11 Dec 2013, 00:37

1. Read the opening post, at least know what is in it
2. Do not post anything in this thread except game reports
3. Copy/Paste the template for the game reports

Ideology: UFC MMA. Global Rating - Weight Class. Wins and Losses from WWPC games will be used to determine who will eventually challenge the champions. Most games will be chosen by the players themselves to be played whenever they want on whatever maps they want, restrictions and procedures to make the games official WWPC games are given below. Within weeks WWPC events will be scheduled and will consist of championship games and suggested games to determine who the challengers are. The frequency and the nature of these events is not restricted in any way and is completely up to TA4Life and BC_Napalm. Those who wish to help with organization, contact TA4Life in FAF chat. The win/loss stats will be presented in a format that will likely evolve as wwpc progresses, if people have suggestions either pm on FAF or open a separate discussion in the discussion section.

1. A game - a BO3(best of 3) that is an official WWPC game. The time to play and the maps are chosen by the two players involved(must be from the same division), no restrictions, but both must agree before any games are played.

2. Game report/making official WWPC games
Before the games are played a reply to this thread must be posted in the following format.(Use copy paste please)

Division, WWPC game # (look at the previous post and add 1)
Approximate Date/Time(include time zone), Player 1 FAF name, Player 2 FAF name
Map #1, Map #2, Map #3

U2000 WWPC game #0
December 23, 2013 13:00 GMT, RA_Nombringer, VoR_Aulex
Roanoke, Theta, Point of Reach

After the games are played the previous post must be edited in the following way
Division WWPC game #0
Approximate Date/Time, Player 1 FAF name, Player 2 FAF name
Map #1, Map #2, Map #3
Winner game 1(game id), Winner game 2(game id), Winner game 3(game id)
Notes: Is it castable, anything interesting happen, etc...

U2000 WWPC game #0
Decemberc 23, 2013 13:00 GMT, RA_Nombringer, VoR_Aulex
Roanoke, Theta, Point of Reach
RA_Nombringer (1234567), Vor_Aulex (1255555), Draw (1266666)
Notes: Please don't cast, embarrassing

3. Limits to the number of games allowed
a. No more than 4 games per player per week
b. No more than 1 game between two players per week

4. Divisions
O2000 - players with 2000+ global rating
U2000 - players with 1700 to 2000 global rating
U1700 - players with 1200 to 1700 global rating
U1200 - players with 1200- global rating

5. Smurfing
Dont' do it.

6. Failure to complete a BO3
The player that lost the first game receives a loss, the winner of the first game receives nothing. The winner of the first game can forgive the other player if the winner of the first game is the one who cannot make it to the following games. The two players have one week to complete the BO3. If the first game is a draw or if both players have a win after the first two games then neither player receives a win or a loss. An incomplete BO3 counts towards the 4 game weekly limit for both players involved.

7. Draws
The players may choose to continue into game 4 or end the series. In case of a draw neither players receives a win or a loss.

8. Mid game disconnects
Ideally both players should agree to replay the game. If there is no agreement, play the rest of your games and instead of writing the winner for the disconnected game, write disconnect. This game will be reviewed and a decision will be made. Either a win will be a awarded to a player or a replay will be requested.

9. Do not erase posts. If the games are not played and will not be played, edit the post and write "cancelled". Do not remove information. Missing posts will be treated with suspicion.

10. If the number of games is low. The champion avatar will be given to those that play without a special championship event.
11. More rules will be added here.
Standings_12_21_13.png (11.3 KiB) Viewed 2955 times
Last edited by SeraphimLeftNut on 21 Dec 2013, 02:57, edited 4 times in total.
no ui lag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MdcVdL2kIY
I think this is going to be fun
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Re: WWPC reloaded

Postby Aulex » 11 Dec 2013, 05:16

U2000 WWPC game # 0
Thursday December 12th, around 1-3pm EST or 6-9 UTC/GMT, VoR_Aulex(TEA_Aulex), RA_Nombringer(TEA_Nombringer)
Twin rivers, Dry canyon V2, and Roanoke
Note: Reface off of Nom and Aulex for restart of new WWPC
"Let's start beating ass and die" - drunk TA4Life

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Re: WWPC reloaded

Postby SeraphimLeftNut » 11 Dec 2013, 19:40

O2000 WWPC game # 1
Wednesday December 11th, around 10 Pacific Voodoo vs RA_Petricpwns
Forbidden Pass (good version), Eye of The Storm, Cobalt Valley
Voodoo (1628004), Petric (1628058), Petric (1628091)
no ui lag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MdcVdL2kIY
I think this is going to be fun
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Re: WWPC reloaded

Postby SeraphimLeftNut » 11 Dec 2013, 23:46

O2000 WWPC game # 2
Wednesday December 11th, around 2 pm Pacific RA_Mad-Mozart vs RA_Petricpwns
desert arena, twin rivers, arctic refuge
RA_Mad-Mozart (1628733), RA_Petricpwns (1628802), RA_Petricpwns (1628904)
no ui lag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MdcVdL2kIY
I think this is going to be fun
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Re: WWPC reloaded

Postby Nombringer » 15 Dec 2013, 10:28

U2000 WWPC game #0
Decemberc 15, 2013 12:04 am GMT +13 , RA_Nombringer, BC_Lextoc Twin Rivers, Dry Canyon, Roanoke (Unplayed)
RA_Nombringer (1636126), RA_Nombringer (1636248)

Notes: Lextoc returning after a break. Prior notification was not given due to a mixup of timezones with Aulex.
BC_Blackheart: i just copy his shit and do it 5% better leads to easy win usually xD

Need help? Are you a new player? Feel free to message me any time in the lobby :) Lessons may cost a portoin of your soul.... (Noms are included but not guaranteed)
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Re: WWPC reloaded

Postby Orion-Pax » 18 Dec 2013, 21:58

U1700 WWPC game #1
December 20, 2013 12:30 GMT +0, Orion-Pax, CtrlK
Cobalt Valley,Twin Rivers, Canis River
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