Okay, first of all: Yes, I did use the search function. If my problem already appeared and got solved, I am sorry and will be thankful for showing me that thread.
I got bad connection issues in three different cases:
Case 1: can't connect at all to a game. I just can't join it. After i double clicked on the game in FAF, FA starts, but all i see is a black screen. The little window saying "trying to connect" or whatever just doessn't appear. Thats the worst. Happens with nearly every third game.
Case 2: I can connect to the game. But in the middle of the game i lose connection to ONE player. For some seconds i see that counting-up, then it stops again, but the game freezes. Looking at networkstats it says that that player got a bottleneck ack. But all other players still got connection to him/her, it's only me who hasn't. Had that quite a few times now, it's annoying, especcially for my game mates.
Case 3: I can connect to the game and play without troubles. But after the game is over, it says that i couldn't connect to some players; only via proxy.
In all 3 cases that window looks like that:
I looked up that wiki page for connection troubles and tried everything possible.
Of course I opened that UPD port 6112. And I tried UPNP. DMZ is not possible, my router is not able to do that.
I turned off my firewall, even my antivirus programme. Nothing changed.
I'm desperate.
Any suggestions?
forever.log: http://pastebin.com/KFdpBZkE
And by the way: Where do I find game.log? It's not in that folder..