Can't transfer FAF account to new PC

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Can't transfer FAF account to new PC

Postby sqiddster » 01 Dec 2013, 02:36


I recently gained access to a new PC on which I want to play FAF. However, I don't really want to start a new account from scratch, mainly because there will be smurf accusations and I'll likely be kicked out of some games. Also there may be occasions where I will have to go back to the old computer, and I'd rather not maintain two accounts.

I tried the steam link utility, however my copy of FA isn't a Steam version, it's a disc version, and as such the utility didn't let me link the account.

Is there anything I can do?

My username on FAF is Sqiddster.

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Re: Can't transfer FAF account to new PC

Postby Deering » 02 Dec 2013, 03:10

You can just log on to the new computer with your old account. One account can span multiple computers.

Also with the steam issue. You can enter your cd key into steam and you will get supreme commander gold edition (vanilla and FA)
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Re: Can't transfer FAF account to new PC

Postby sqiddster » 03 Dec 2013, 17:00


It's not working, because the computer I used before had an account already set up, and now the PC is locked to that account. I've tried to steam link both of them to the same Steam account, but when I try to log in on the new PC, I get an error saying "This computer has been used by a Steam account. You have to authentify your account too in order to use it on this computer", however, the account is definitely linked to Steam.

EDIT: I tried logging into my old PC with the new PC's account, and now I can't log in with my old account on either PC (same error).
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Re: Can't transfer FAF account to new PC

Postby Ze_PilOt » 03 Dec 2013, 17:16

Once your account is linked to steam, all the accounts used on that PC must use thes steam link too.
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Re: Can't transfer FAF account to new PC

Postby sqiddster » 03 Dec 2013, 18:16


Yes, I understand, however FAF seems to fail to recognize the Steam link of the Sqiddster account. I've attempted it multiple times, each time it has said to be successful, however I still get the error stating that it needs to be linked to steam.
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Re: Can't transfer FAF account to new PC

Postby Ze_PilOt » 03 Dec 2013, 19:02

The account Sqiddster is indeed not Steam Linked.

Be sure to follow carefully the instructions. (ie. on your first login with it, your profile page must be public and you must have FA in your game list).
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Re: Can't transfer FAF account to new PC

Postby sqiddster » 03 Dec 2013, 19:43

Yes, I am 100% sure both those conditions are satisfied.

I just tried again, same results - Everything goes fine, and I get the page saying 'your account is linked!'. however, I still get the same error when trying to log in (you need to authenticate with steam).

Very strange!
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Re: Can't transfer FAF account to new PC

Postby Ze_PilOt » 03 Dec 2013, 21:07

The message "The account is linked" means that all is ready.

But on your first login, the server is checking if you have FA in your game list. If so, the steam link is validated.
If not, it's undone.

I guess you don't go past that check. Only two reasons :

- Your game list is not public (you have to make it public for the first login, you can put it back to private after)
- You don't own FA on steam (it doesn't need to be installed, but it need to be on your steam game list).
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Re: Can't transfer FAF account to new PC

Postby sqiddster » 03 Dec 2013, 21:56

My game list is public, and I own FA on steam.

I suppose I'm not actually reaching the point where it checks if I own FA - it's kicking me first, because another Steam-verified account is being used already. The other account is called mblwest and I suppose the steam link worked correctly for that one, but not my main account.

Is there anything I can do?
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Re: Can't transfer FAF account to new PC

Postby Ze_PilOt » 03 Dec 2013, 22:36


The message about another steam link account is done after all the procedure I've told you. You must have missed a step somewhere.

Be sure to redo the whole procedure.
If the server fails to validate your steam account, any link is removed, you need to go through the website again.
(From what I'm seeing in the DB, you need to do it).

If the check is correctly done, you should have this message : "Your FAF account is now tied to steam." in the lobby.

It's possible that you've tried during a steam outage (it happens during sales).
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