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Postby dananski » 16 Nov 2013, 02:24

I'm aware there are a lot of these going around - I've used other posts to resolve one I was having before. This one is different and I can't really see anything that stands out to search for in other threads.

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x00423221
attempted to read memory at 0x8203b0ff

Program : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
Cmd line arguments : /ratingcolor c8c8c8c8 /numgames 128 /mean 983.746 /deviation 84.7668 /country GB /init init_faf.lua /log C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\game.log /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/1535531/dananski.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet

Unknown symbol (address 0x00423221)
Unknown symbol (address 0x00805e81)

[see attached for logs]

This was a no-mods, ranked 5v5 game. The exception occurred mid-game a little while after a comm had died from each side. I don't see any warnings or errors in the game log leading up to the crash. I was quite zoomed in at the time, trying to select a couple of moving engineers. When it froze up I was still able to hear audio responses when clicking on units but the picture was frozen.

I won't attach the replay or replay log since it runs to where I dropped, with no crash, but I'll be happy to provide anything to help debug this and make the game more stable.
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