Thus far, I have tried deleting the game.prefs file and letting the game recreate it so it's properly coded, but that doesn't work; I was, until today, able to host when I deleted the game.prefs file, but now that's not working anymore and I can only join games and even that is slow...and requires I delete the game.prefs file for it to work.
C:\Users\Yoshua\AppData\Local\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
This is where the game.prefs file is located for me ^
I'm not so sure about coding and the like, but I'll post the coding that is in my game.prefs file since I'm pretty sure that's one the things that is required when writing an error report of sorts haha...
So here:
- Code: Select all
options_overrides = {
fidelity = {
default = 1,
custom = {
states = {
text = '<LOC _Low>',
key = 0
text = '<LOC _Medium>',
key = 1
text = '<LOC _High>',
key = 2
secondary_adapter = {
default = 'disabled',
custom = {
states = {
text = '<LOC _Disabled>',
key = 'disabled'
fidelity_presets = {
default = 1,
custom = {
states = {
text = '<LOC _Low>',
key = 0
text = '<LOC _Medium>',
key = 1
text = '<LOC _High>',
key = 2
text = '<LOC _Custom>',
key = 4
antialiasing = {
default = 0,
custom = {
states = {
text = '<LOC OPTIONS_0029>Off',
key = 0
text = '2',
key = 64
text = '4',
key = 128
text = '8',
key = 256
primary_adapter = {
default = '1024,768,60',
custom = {
states = {
text = '<LOC OPTIONS_0070>Windowed',
key = 'windowed'
text = '1024x768(60)',
key = '1024,768,60'
text = '1280x768(60)',
key = '1280,768,60'
text = '1360x768(60)',
key = '1360,768,60'
text = '1366x768(60)',
key = '1366,768,60'
shadow_quality = {
default = 1,
custom = {
states = {
text = '<LOC _Off>',
key = 0
text = '<LOC _Low>',
key = 1
text = '<LOC _Medium>',
key = 2
text = '<LOC _High>',
key = 3
version = {
major = 1
Hopefully that is sufficient and someone can help me out. Thanks for your time....