How is this possible?

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How is this possible?

Postby Napalm175 » 12 Nov 2013, 22:25

I played in seton's today, 4v4. About midway through our air player, BC_Ramak, dropped from the game. Then, some time later, both BC_Tiep and I dropped in identical fashion, about a minute apart from each other. (Both our crashes were just total freezes of fa, where the only solution was to ctrl+alt+delete and close fa through task manager. I had to close faf, but here are the logs anyway, I haven't played another game since then. Also attached is the replay, and here is a conversation between tiep and V-TWO, who was on the other team, just as an extra hint.
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Re: How is this possible?

Postby Ze_PilOt » 12 Nov 2013, 22:29

Replicate the problem, I don't see any.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: How is this possible?

Postby -_V_- » 12 Nov 2013, 22:36

Oh yeah :lol:

I used connection hax. Evil ^^

Sadly, I couldn't use my mighty power on DoubleK who won the game ultimately :?
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Re: How is this possible?

Postby Napalm175 » 12 Nov 2013, 22:57

If I knew how to replicate it, I would know what the problem was, wouldn't I?

V: Still not sure if you're serious or not, but I certainly wouldn't put it past you.
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Re: How is this possible?

Postby BC_Tiep » 12 Nov 2013, 23:50

I've never had a crash like this before, and it seems pretty weird that both of us within a short time interval crashed in an exactly the same way..
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Re: How is this possible?

Postby -_V_- » 12 Nov 2013, 23:51

Also attached is the replay, and here is a conversation between tiep and V-TWO, who was on the other team, just as an extra hint.

Well let's just say when i see some crap like that I see 2 ways to react :

- Get angry at the fuckin retards who dare to imply something "cheaty" coming from me

- Taking a (bit) higher road and mock the retardness of those guys.

I decided you were not worth of my anger. Hence you'll get only the sarcasm and contempt :) . That's already too much but I ain't perfect.
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Re: How is this possible?

Postby Napalm175 » 13 Nov 2013, 00:10

Mysterious triple crash, game that would be fairly embarassing for you to lose, known, well, personality ^^ (see above) and then finally this "sarcasm" that happened before the accusation, yeah sorry for using my brain to come up with a logical conclusion, but then no one is perfect.
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Re: How is this possible?

Postby -_V_- » 13 Nov 2013, 00:30

fairly embarassing ? In what way ? I saw no shame losing that game. Tiep is much better mid than I am.
It didn't turn out as good of a fight as I was expecting, since Hok noobed out, but no biggie. Nothing to be ashamed about.
I had way more embarrassing games I would have had reasons to "crash" to hide from shame, *IF* it was my style (lets even forget its not in my power).

But you know what , it's not even the point actually.

You're making lightly disguised accusations of cheating against me, so yeah I have nothing but the harshest contempt for such a pathetic move! :)

Better you focus on figuring out what happened on the tech side instead!
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