3. Weekly FAF Tournement - 1v1

Tournaments announces and results.

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3. Weekly FAF Tournement - 1v1

Postby ToejamS » 01 Nov 2013, 22:50

This is one of the weekly FAF 1v1 and 2v2 tournements.
They will be hosted each weekend at the same time with standard rules.
The best matches of the tournement will be casted, sometimes live.
So even if you are not playing, make sure you don't miss it!

1v1 will be Friday 18:00 GMT
(20:00 CEST; Europe / 14:00 EDT; Eastcoast)
2v2 will be Saturday 17:00 GMT
(19:00 CEST; Europe / 13:00 EDT; Eastcoast)

(you can check your timezone here http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/)

This is the 1v1 Tournement - Sign up only for 1v1, not for 2v2

Swiss Style
Default Options
45 minutes timelimit per round (real time, might get extended)

Round 1: Arctic Refuge
Round 2: White Fire v2
Round 3: Forbidden Pass
(only if needed:)
Round 4: Roanoke Abyss
Round 5: suprise map (of 1v1 ladder pool)

The highest placed player of each rating section will get:
-above 1800: Tournement Winner
-1200-1800: Place: Faction Face
-under 1200: Place: Faction Logo

additional Rewards:
-Tournament Participant Avatar for everyone who plays to the end
-Special Avatar for 10 completed weekly tournements
-Community voted "Winner of Hearts" Avatar
for the best performing Underdog, or best Fight

Tournement Director:
Backup TD: Wild Green

1800+ and tourney winner Zlo
1200-1800 winner is aulex
under 1200 winner is afex_eklund.
Doom_ won the winner of hearts award for making it hard work against all players and dealing to Armmagedon.

Other particpants are

Special mention goes to Lame for being the first player to be banned from any tournaments held by myself. He will receive no avatars.

I would like to thank all those that participated, it was good fun and thanks to Zock for helping me host my first tourney. It didnt run as smooth as it could have but its a first attempt. Next one will be better. There were some good games played by good players. Well done guys....
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Re: 3. Weekly FAF Tournement - 1v1

Postby Mad`Mozart » 09 Nov 2013, 00:48

Gonna use this thread to spam with 1v1 weekly reports.

This week's tourney didnt go as smooth as planned, sadly :cry:
Messed up at 3rd round reporting wrong results that turned out into different brackets. Will make sure it wont happen again :|

Ok, the results


Syrtis Major
Eye of the Storm
Point of Reach
Open Zeta

1st place: Voodoo
2nd place: VoR_Gorton (won in a tiebraker game against Swisscow on Twin Rivers)
3rd place: AlphaWolf_666 (someone pls give him Cybran logo ava, i feel he has little idea what he has to do to get it even after i explained)

Winner of Hears: Just_a_Game
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Re: 3. Weekly FAF Tournement - 1v1

Postby Wild_Green » 16 Nov 2013, 00:13

So the outcome of 5th 1v1 tournament, as it goes:

1. Desert Joust
2. Loki
3. Resevoir
4. 8 - Badlands

Tournament winner: Congreve
1200-1800 winner: DarkSide40
under 1200 winner: Carpenterx <- here was a tie-braker game Carpenter - Nequilich

Winner of hearts with 4 votes altogether - AlphaWolf-666

Screeen of results in attachments.
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