Terrible dual screen performance with AMD GPU

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Terrible dual screen performance with AMD GPU

Postby slikts » 14 Oct 2013, 09:20

I'm using [email protected], 16GB RAM, HD 6990, a fast SSD and Windows 7 x64, but the performance is really bad when enabling dual screens, there's massive stuttering and the game is essentially unplayable. I've tried Catalyst 13.4, 13.9 and 13.11 beta, and the problems persist. I've also tried with HD 7850, and had the same problems. My specs should be more than adequate to have the game perform well, so what's causing this bad performance? Supposedly dual screens work better with Nvidia GPUs, but is there any solution for AMD GPUs?
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Re: Terrible dual screen performance with AMD GPU

Postby boneh3ad » 23 Oct 2013, 00:15

I have this problem too. If I don't move the mouse or use only one monitor everything runs fine, but two monitors is unplayable given that you can't exactly play without moving the mouse. It worked fine for me with, I believe, the Catalyst 13.1 drivers, but those are not compatible with Windows 8.1, and I refuse to go back to vanilla 8 given how great the upgrade is overall.

I'd also appreciate a solution to this if anyone finds one that doesn't involve old drivers.
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Re: Terrible dual screen performance with AMD GPU

Postby nine2 » 25 Dec 2013, 06:25

I had the same issue (small freeze whenever move mouse on primary monitor) which I just fixed by installing the new catalyst suite (released about a week ago).

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Re: Terrible dual screen performance with AMD GPU

Postby Exotic_Retard » 25 Dec 2013, 15:28

im using 7 and i seem to have been having this issue as well, but only after i upgraded my catalyst drivers to 13.11 beta.. then upgrading them again didnt seem to solve the problem... while before on older drivers it seemed to have worked :/
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Re: Terrible dual screen performance with AMD GPU

Postby nine2 » 27 Dec 2013, 01:59

I was a little hasty. I dont get the freeze - but it crashes after a while.
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Re: Terrible dual screen performance with AMD GPU

Postby stormbeforedawn » 27 Dec 2013, 15:33

One thing that can be done is running the game in windowed mode across both monitors, and then splitting the screens with the end button (I think). For me this has always given better performance than trying to get FA to recognize two screens.
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Re: Terrible dual screen performance with AMD GPU

Postby nine2 » 28 Dec 2013, 15:00

interesting, ill give it a try
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