2nd monitor issue

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2nd monitor issue

Postby Munkez » 06 Oct 2013, 01:24

Hi all,
Hope this is posted in the correct place as I'm not sure where else to ask.
Have just upgraded from a ATI 6970 to 7970 and now when the second monitor is enabled in settings, I get lag during play. (placing buildings, zooming in and out etc,etc)

Anyone experienced this before? And how did you sort it?

monitor 1 is a Samsung sync master connected through dvi (1680x1050) @60htz
monitor 2 is an old NEC connected through a dvi convertor (1024v678) @60htz only used as large map

I even get lag on the main menu when moving the mouse, none of which happens when the second monitor is disabled :(

Many thanks for any help or advice.
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Re: 2nd monitor issue

Postby Voodoo » 06 Oct 2013, 10:57

Moved to the right forum. At first try to update your video card drivers.
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Re: 2nd monitor issue

Postby Kof » 08 Oct 2013, 09:56

FAF crashes for me when I try two monitors. Works fine for Steam for vanilla FA. It doesn't crash immediately. Some games fine, some crash. So I stopped using it. There are a lot of threads on the topic if you search (in TS or google). I had no joy. As far as I remember, if you use two monitors of the same type with the same settings this doesn't happen (but it was a while ago, so I can't remember for sure). Also some people split their display across the two monitors and split the screen in game, which apparently works, but isn't ideal.
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Re: 2nd monitor issue

Postby kagaku » 09 Oct 2013, 21:18

I'm having the same problem. It happens on the latest stable ATI drivers, and the latest beta ATI drivers. My old nVidia 8800 GTS could run SupComFA on dual screens with no stutter, so I think it's an ATI issue of some sort. Menus lag, the sound skips, gameplay is terrible. Once I disable the second monitor everything is smooth as butter.

Windows 8
ATI latest drivers
SupCom FA with latest patches (steam version, overlay disabled)
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Re: 2nd monitor issue

Postby Munkez » 12 Oct 2013, 18:25

Yeah it seems to be the latest 13.9 drivers causing the issue.
Reverting back to 13.4 drivers sorts out but doesn't look good for the release of Battlefield 4 which I will look to be playing as well. The beta drivers are supposed to give a huge boost to FPS but if it means losing second monitor support in forged alliance, I wont be taking the AMD route for future upgrades :(
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Re: 2nd monitor issue

Postby D4E_Omit » 12 Oct 2013, 18:54

No problems using Nvidia cards, did you plug both monitors into the graphics card and not accidently one into the motherboard? Its hard to run in hd 3000 graphics :)
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Re: 2nd monitor issue

Postby slikts » 13 Oct 2013, 18:03

Munkez wrote:Yeah it seems to be the latest 13.9 drivers causing the issue.
Reverting back to 13.4 drivers sorts out but doesn't look good for the release of Battlefield 4 which I will look to be playing as well. The beta drivers are supposed to give a huge boost to FPS but if it means losing second monitor support in forged alliance, I wont be taking the AMD route for future upgrades :(

Damn, I had the issue with 13.4 drivers as well, and it persists with 13.11 beta. It doesn't matter if the second screen's resolution is lowered from 1080p to 1024 x something. I I have an i5@4.2, HD 6990 and 16GB RAM , which should be more than enough to run the game on two screens, but the performance is terrible when I enable it. This issue is really getting me down, it's much nicer to have an always-on strategic view in a second screen than it is to constantly zoom in and out. I remember playing with two screens when I was using a GT 8800, and it worked fine then, but now with much higher specs I can't.
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Re: 2nd monitor issue

Postby Munkez » 13 Oct 2013, 20:06

The Asus 7970 was RMA'd in the end, it was only by accident I found the 13.4 drivers worked, as when installing the 6970 the same issue persisted until I used drivers I had downloaded 3/4 weeks ago....
I do want to upgrade, yet can't bring myself to spend £280 on a 680 gtx when a 7970 is cheaper and looks a slightly better bet for future proofing.....
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Re: 2nd monitor issue

Postby Tsumari » 15 Oct 2013, 04:14

Going back to the drivers included in 13.4 resolved the slowdown for me, but now I get a crazy weird distortion upon zooming in and out. It only affects the right and bottom of the screen. I can see the 'tabletop/world' background and some halo glowing as if I am at the edge of the map... hm.

Edit: Resolution: I noticed the area that appeared normal on my main screen matches the resolution of my secondary monitor, so I lowered my main monitor's resolution to match the secondary and the issue is not presenting itself anymore.
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Re: 2nd monitor issue

Postby slikts » 15 Oct 2013, 09:42

Tried 13.1 too and no luck.
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