1v1 score not reporting correctly

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Moderators: FtXCommando, Stups

1v1 score not reporting correctly

Postby Therminator » 30 Sep 2013, 19:53

Hi everyone,

I just won a 1v1 automatch, but the score system reported a draw and my rating did not change.

Replay ID: 1353348


Code: Select all
info: com is dead
debug: Loading module '\000/effects/entities/inainoeffectcontroller01/inainoeffectcontroller01_script.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/effects/entities/sifinainostrategicmissileeffect02/sifinainostrategicmissileeffect02_script.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/game/gameresult.lua\000'
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 1
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 0
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 0
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 0
debug: Loading module '\000/effects/entities/sifinainostrategicmissileeffect01/sifinainostrategicmissileeffect01_script.lua\000'
info: GAMERESULT : \000defeat -1
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/dialogs/score.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/dialogs/hotstats.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/dialogs/skinning.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/dialogs/myeffecthelpers.lua\000'
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 1
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 0
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 0
info: GAMERESULT : \000defeat -1
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 1
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 0
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 0
debug: Loading module '\000/effects/entities/sifinainostrategicmissileeffect04/sifinainostrategicmissileeffect04_script.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/effects/entities/sifinainostrategicmissileeffect03/sifinainostrategicmissileeffect03_script.lua\000'
info: GAMERESULT : \000victory 6
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 6
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 0
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 0
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/game/layouts/missiontext_mini.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/game/layouts/chat_layout.lua\000'
debug: OpenMovie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 6477
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 6477
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 6477
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 6477
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 6477
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 6477
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 6477
info: called Set_graph...
info: Warning: Unable to find file \000/hotstats/score/
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/dialogs/dialog_txt.lua\000'
info: PAGE_GRAPH called
info: Number of data found:\000137
info: Number of data found:\000137
info: 174697
info: Value the highest:\000250000\000   final time saved:\0001370\000   scale factor on y:\0000.0031999999191612
debug: Playing movie c:\program files (x86)\thq\gas powered games\supreme commander - forged alliance\movies\menu_background.sfd: 6477
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.015008544549346\000  t:\000674.60046386719\000   t1:\000674.75054931641
info: So refresh all the \00019.248458862305\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.015222167596221\000  t:\000674.60046386719\000   t1:\000674.75268554688
info: So refresh all the \00019.522430419922\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: 1st:\00037777
info: 2nd:\000174697
info: x: \0001820\000  ya:\000376.88031005859\000  yb:\000360.96960449219
info: 1st:\00025342
info: 2nd:\00025546
info: x: \0001820\000  ya:\000837.27789306641\000  yb:\000838.25280761719
info: total time:\0001.8907470703125
info: total time:\0001.8919677734375
info: Number of data found:\000137
info: 174697
info: Value the highest:\000250000\000   final time saved:\0001370\000   scale factor on y:\0000.0031999999191612
info: -----------------------\000score
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.014495849609375\000  t:\000677.67248535156\000   t1:\000677.81744384766
info: So refresh all the \00018.590927124023\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.014746094122529\000  t:\000677.67248535156\000   t1:\000677.81994628906
info: So refresh all the \00018.911865234375\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: 1st:\00037777
info: 2nd:\000174697
info: x: \0001820\000  ya:\000376.88031005859\000  yb:\000360.96960449219
info: 1st:\00025342
info: 2nd:\00025546
info: x: \0001820\000  ya:\000837.27789306641\000  yb:\000838.25280761719
info: total time:\0001.9119262695313
info: total time:\0001.912109375
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/game/rallypoint.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/controls/worldmesh.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/menus/main.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/menus/menucommon.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/maputil.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/mods.lua\000'
debug: OpenMovie /movies/main_menu.sfd: 6900
debug: Preparing movie /movies/main_menu.sfd: 6900
debug: Preparing movie /movies/main_menu.sfd: 6900
debug: Preparing movie /movies/main_menu.sfd: 6900
debug: Preparing movie /movies/main_menu.sfd: 6900
debug: Preparing movie /movies/main_menu.sfd: 6900
debug: Preparing movie /movies/main_menu.sfd: 6900
debug: Playing movie c:\program files (x86)\thq\gas powered games\supreme commander - forged alliance\movies\main_menu.sfd: 6900
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/help/eula.lua\000'
info: Run time: 0h11m29s
Posts: 22
Joined: 25 Oct 2011, 18:53
Has liked: 0 time
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