Desync only on 1st Coop mission

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Desync only on 1st Coop mission

Postby RK4000 » 22 Sep 2013, 12:35

Got a desync, first about 55 beats into the game (if my memory serves correct) on the first Coop mission.

Additional info is that my friend didn't see the cutscene playing, and i did. After the initial desync it didn't go away even after the cutscene ended, so we just stopped after a minute or so.

Also, mission 2 and 3 worked just fine and we've played through them no problem, so it's just the 1st mission being problematic.
(Warbird94) game.log
Friend's log
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(RK4000) game.log
My log
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Re: Desync only on 1st Coop mission

Postby Ze_PilOt » 22 Sep 2013, 14:59

You probably don't have the correct map. Erase your map, tell your friend to erase it.
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