by Argon » 04 Feb 2014, 15:16
The same problem. Got it when was a squad leader and attacked on 459. So when it happened our charge and whole attack attemt was droped, but its not all effect: planed ocupation of my fraction reduced, but increased for enemy faction. Probably it was a defence attempt. We attacked this planet again and after one minute it happened again with all the same effects.
Error text:
**FAF Username:** Argon
*FAF Version:** 0.10.105
**FAF Directory:** C:\ProgramData\FAForever
**FA Path:** D:\Games\Forged Alliance Forever\The Game
**Home Directory:** C:\Users\Argon\Documents
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "galacticWar\glDisplay.pyc", line 956, in scalingTime
AttributeError: 'GLWidget' object has no attribute 'camOriginPos'
Tryed to click Open ticket, but in the taret page written: "Our apologies, but the repository "Forged Alliance Forever - Lobby" has been deleted."
Logs attached.
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