I)Result Tree :http://challonge.com/imba_cupII) Players :III) Medias :VoDs of Barry : http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL38BC411F4F0EDEADLivestream of Reddev : http://www.twitch.tv/reddev32IV) Informations :-There's a 100€ prizepool : #1 gets 70€ and #2 gets 20€ #3 gets 10€
-Double Elimination system tournament
wiki for those who don't know how it works :
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-eli ... tournament-Maps will be announced at the beginning of each round/week.
-All the game results will have to be posted on this topic, with the replay uploaded
-Results of the Selectional Tournament:
http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/9058/qualif1.pnghttp://img717.imageshack.us/img717/829/qualif2.pngV) Game rules :-Bo1 games, with a regame in draw situation
-semi finals in Bo3
-Final in Bo5
-unitcap: 1000
-official slots
-score off
-In case of disconnexion before 10min, the game has to be replayed, after this, the non-disconnected chooses.
VI) Map pool :5 5x5 maps#1 Blasted Rock
#2 Desert Arena => ROUND 2
#3 Theta passage
#4 Desert joust => ROUND 1
#5 Fields of thunder => SEMI FINAL 2 MAP 2
8 10x10 maps#6 Eye of the storm
#7 Open palms => ROUND 2,5
#8 Syrtis major
#9 Valley Passage
#10 Arctic refuge => SEMI FINAL 1 MAP 1
#11 Daroza sanctuary => ROUND 3
#12 Forbidden pass => SEMI FINAL 2 MAP 1
#13 TAG_Craftious_Maximus => SEMI FINAL 1 MAP 2
4 20x20 maps#14 Seton's cluch => SEMI FINAL 2 MAP 3
#15 The bermuda locket => SEMI FINAL 1 MAP 3
#16 Roanoke abyss => ROUND 4
#17 Kazam => ROUND3.5
(I'll probably need some help in this tournament, well anyone feel free to help then ^^)
Cu on the battlefield!