galatic war-bug- please help gating in

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galatic war-bug- please help gating in

Postby dogsrule621 » 03 Sep 2013, 02:15

i joing galatic war everything works i get past gating in. a gray screen comes up with galaxy map and inteligence in the top left corner. then a small box in the middle of the screen says galatic war with blue outline with a see-through center. then it brings up microsoft error report saying it needs to close. then i press send error i can't get the recent logs that restart everytime u exit out. i do have the ones that last forever tho.
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Re: galatic war-bug- please help gating in

Postby Ze_PilOt » 03 Sep 2013, 07:56

Try updating your graphic card drivers0
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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