I'm having an odd problem. My CPU has gone from reading around 260 in game lobby, to reading about 462. This happened before, then we had a patch and everything went back to normal. Now it is playing up again and I can't think what is causing the problem.
I'm not running any extra programs in the background, and the taskmanager says I'm only using 3% of my CPU, I have noticed it briefly spikes up to 17%, I don't know if this is unusual or not.
I thought maybe it was just giving an odd reading, but when I tried to play a game everyone started complaining that I was slowing the game down. I've not changed anything between when it was working find and when it stopped, and when it went back to working fine again. I've updated every driver I can think of and nothing has had any effect. I've tried affiliating two cores of my CPU, but that just made things considerably worse.
I'm out of ideas, can anyone suggest anything? Thanks in advance for your help.