Still no Victories in GW

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Still no Victories in GW

Postby HogeJoke » 31 Aug 2013, 15:22

I was charging attack on planet 155 it reached already 95% occupation for aeon.
While i was charging for the last 5% some Defender appeared.
We fought until he left the battle (or disconnected) so i won the battle.

Now the isues:
1. i didn´t gain a victory
2. the charging Attack ended and Aeon had now lower occupation than before! (90% now)
3. i have to pay again for the new attack cause the charging was ended.

here the logs:
(162.5 KiB) Downloaded 31 times

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(99.95 KiB) Downloaded 29 times

PS: i would post this in the GW Forum, but i can´t open a Topic there.
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Re: Still no Victories in GW  Topic is solved

Postby Ze_PilOt » 31 Aug 2013, 15:26

You can open a topic there, in the ALPHA forum, here is not the place.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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