Mod Vault errors

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Mod Vault errors

Postby zingo7 » 29 Aug 2013, 01:26

1. During mod upload FAF freezes(in task manager "not responding") on windows 8
2. The highlited green mods- they seem to be "armed" and in use even after FAF is closed. You can not edit or move the file. You need to stop the corresponding processes in task manager or do a pc restart before the mods in mod folder can be changed.
3. There is a noticable delay when you first open Mod Vault- again FAF freezes during mod scan.
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Re: Mod Vault errors

Postby Ze_PilOt » 29 Aug 2013, 08:44

I don't have win8, so it's not supported officially by FAF and I can't help you.

But freezing while uploading sounds like a firewall/antivirus issue.

You need to provide logs if you want further help.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Mod Vault errors

Postby Xinnony » 17 Jan 2014, 05:29

zingo7 wrote:1. During mod upload FAF freezes(in task manager "not responding") on windows 8.

Me too.
Upload (or Download) UI crash during the up/download.
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