Replayvault vs Livereplay

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Replayvault vs Livereplay

Postby Master_Vallex » 20 Aug 2013, 23:21

Hey there, i recently watched a game of gyle live, the last 5 min were cut off (game ended => replay froze 5min before actual gametime end).
later i tried to find it in the replayvault, unsuccesfully.
i was looking for gyles replays, i was looking for the replay itself (in the list without special tags to search for), also gyle send me the replay via dropbox, i downloaded it and played it as one has to do it (did it often already), and it didnt work, it just wouldnt launch.
gyle and other players found the replay in the vault, could play it without problems.
i checked that strange issue with another replay of RA_ZLO i watched before live (also ended 5min before actual end) and i couldnt find it either. i saw more recently played games and older ones, the one i sw live was just not there, missing inbetween.

now i wonder if watching the games live more or less unsuccesfully (cut off end..) did mess somehow the connection between my account and replayvault or something.

not sure if i should post faf-logs here now, since it happend yesterday. also i guess i could recreate the problem easily (anyone could try it).
hope i can help in finding or clearing the situation anyhow.
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Re: Replayvault vs Livereplay

Postby Ze_PilOt » 21 Aug 2013, 00:00

Replay freezing 5 min before the ending is normal.

As the game is over, the server is sending you all the data left.

FA may freeze a lot until all these data are processed. It will resume some seconds later, just wait.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Replayvault vs Livereplay

Postby Master_Vallex » 21 Aug 2013, 00:06

the apparently not really freezing livereplay is not the problem, problem is that when it happend the replay disappears/breaks for me in the vault or even dropbox dl :)
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Re: Replayvault vs Livereplay

Postby Ze_PilOt » 21 Aug 2013, 00:09

No idea what is dropbox dl, but there is no special code making replay dissapearing from the vault if you saw them live.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Replayvault vs Livereplay

Postby Master_Vallex » 21 Aug 2013, 00:17

gyle uploaded his replay file to dropbox, i downloaded it (means: not in FAF) and i couldnt launch it at all. and i checked the thing with other replays, they are really disappearing for me in the vault when i saw them live and i got no freaking idea why. xD maybe someone can test it and tell if it happend aswell
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