Cannot connect to any game.

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Cannot connect to any game.

Postby RapidoPapa » 30 Jul 2013, 20:20

I am pretty old gamer, since TA. Had all kinds of connection problems but this on is driving me crazy. Suddenly I stopeed connecting to any games, cant host, cant play ladder. It accured 4 days ago. I have tryed everything I possible could. Finally conected directly to the internet (no router) and it is not helping. Cant explain to my provider what is wrong. Because at the office(at work) everything is ok. Same computer. Same everything.
I get this error = (C:\Games\FAFOREVER\FAForever.lib\FreeImagePy\ TypeNotFound: I cannot load the bitmap at: C:\ProgramData\FAForever\cache\four way setons.png)
My log is
Please help anyone. What should I tell my provider, seems like problem is there.
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Re: Cannot connect to any game.

Postby Ze_PilOt » 30 Jul 2013, 20:36

You are reporting all kind of issue, not related to each other.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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