"My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.

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"My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.

Postby Ze_PilOt » 28 Jul 2013, 11:46

You may or may not have experience crashes in the game lobby.

One of these reason is that FA is trying to resolve your IP address to your hostname, and vice-versa, and do not succeed in one of these operations.

What is a IP address?
IP means "Internet Protocol".
Your IP address is where you are in the internet (like your real world address).
It's the address that is used to send data to you.
You can check what your IP address is here : http://whatismyipaddress.com/

What is a hostname?
A IP address is hard to memorize. That's why there is an extra layer on top of it.
ie. the hostname of faf is faforever.com.
You have a hostname, automatically given by your internet provider.

You can check what is here : http://whatismyipaddress.com/ip-hostname

What is the problem?
The problem is that your IP give your hostname, but your hostname doesn't give your IP.

It wouldn't be a problem, but FA (not FAF) is converting, internally, your IP to the hostname and use it for connections, even I give it your IP only. It's in the code, I don't have access to it and so can't change it.

The IP is needed to send you informations, so it necessary that it works both way. If it doesn't work, problems occurs.
You see that message because it's happening to you.

You can test it yourself. From the hostname you got from the previous link, go there :
Copy / paste your hostname in the hostname field, and click "Find IP address".
You should see :

Host Name : blababla.myhostname.com
IP Address : blababla.myhostname.com cannot be resolved to an IP Address
Location : Unknown

How can I solve it?
You can't do it yourself.
It's a problem with your internet provider. You have to contact them, and give them all the infos you got from this page :
- Your IP is resolved to the hostname.
- Your hostname failed to be resolve to your IP.
You can use the links I gave you, and provide them the IP and hostname you got.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.

Postby Culverin » 28 Jul 2013, 17:23

I have had the error and my FAF has had the crashes.

I just went through this post and followed the instructions.
Actually, mine doesn't say "cannot be resolved to an IP Address".
It is finding both the IP Address and Host Name. Location is Unknown.

Is this possibly related to my router-behind-a-router situation?
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Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.

Postby Ze_PilOt » 28 Jul 2013, 19:09

I honestly don't know. It's probably better to contact your ISP.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.

Postby Flynn » 29 Jul 2013, 21:11

It wouldn't surprise me if this was causing 90% of the connection problems that people experience when playing FA. Well done for tracking it down Zep. Although, I wonder if the Indian call centre staff would have the faintest clue what you were talking about if you tried to call your ISP and explain that to them...probably not :roll: What can you expect when you pay people 12 rubles per month I guess!
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Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.

Postby Nivagely » 30 Jul 2013, 20:32

Am I correct in assuming that My ISP won't fix this problem in time? Currently having the error. Thing is, with my isp, fixing a problem will cost a lot due to the supports inability with unconventional problems, and they don't reply to their emails at all as well? Thanks for finding it out, fuels more hatred towards my ISP Sky.
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Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.

Postby KNOWFEAR1337 » 31 Jul 2013, 02:16

Flynn wrote:I wonder if the Indian call centre staff would have the faintest clue what you were talking about !

NO, they won't have any idea at all, i just spent about 20-30 mins on the phone with sky and the only useful thing i got out of it is that they can't do it because i don't have a static ip address
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Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.

Postby vongratz » 01 Aug 2013, 00:30

The question is simple..
Why NOW this error occurs, when never before existed??
I dont changed anything.
Best regards.
Ive insisted and the thing worked, but the advise appeared before, as stated above.
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Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.

Postby Ze_PilOt » 01 Aug 2013, 07:43

The error did not exists before because I was not checking for it.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.

Postby Darro » 02 Aug 2013, 12:39

that's funny, considering that my hostname is of the format "my-ip.ispname.domain".
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Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.

Postby RoundTabler » 02 Aug 2013, 14:37

Your links work perfectly for me...
Avantgarde: bug reports go to you [zep] via PM?
Ze_PilOt_: no
Ze_PilOt_: never.

Ze_PilOt: FA is not about being in a comfort zone all the time.
I think the game you want to play is Starcraft 2.
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