Manually downloaded patch save directory

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Manually downloaded patch save directory

Postby HotFog » 25 Jul 2013, 23:29

I have been having slight trouble with my inet connection. The automatic update (3626) was timing out. So, I manually downloaded the patch 3626.

Now I am unsure where to place the file (ie - which directory) so that it is available for the game program.

Does the automatic FAF update downloader have to download the file?

If not, is there a correct location for me to place the manually downloaded file (faforever3626.2.nxt) and what is the location?

Your help would be appreciated :)

edit : I was told by a fellow in aeolus to save to c:\programdata\FAForever but when trying to join a game, auto update downloader starts trying to download file. Added to slow inet, we have 2 separate accounts so I'd prefer to simply copy the file to the 2nd computer as well (rather than the 2nd computer ALSO having to d/load the file again).
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Re: Manually downloaded patch save directory

Postby ColonelSheppard » 26 Jul 2013, 00:23

.ntx doesnt seem to be the correct fileextension.. ask somebody to give you his .faf file from the program data folder

however: i had this problem you had, before (at least i think it's this problem) so if there is the message "blabla lost connection" just click it away fast and it should continue downloading and if it is finished and you restarded lobby you should be able to play
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