Connectivity issue

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Connectivity issue

Postby Tavar » 14 Jul 2013, 02:25

I had the following problem occur in a game: after about 30 minutes I hit a connectivity screen, which only showed me being unconnected to one other player. From looking through the scroll menu at certain points, it appeared that I was actually the issue(despite showing active connections to the other players most of the time). This never got better, but I was unable to exit normally because of the connectivity screen, and even alt+F4 did not work. Eventually I used ctrl+alt+del to end the program, which for some reason seemed to shunt FAforever into offline mod.

At this point, I also found two error messages from FAF, which gave the option to open a ticked(though that option seems be be broken at the current time) Both had essentially the same message:
**FAF Username:** Tavar

**FAF Version:** 0.8.54

**FAF Directory:** C:\ProgramData\FAForever

**FA Path:** E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance

**Home Directory:** C:\Users\Theodore\Documents

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "fa\relayserver.pyc", line 276, in ping
File "fa\relayserver.pyc", line 296, in sendToServer
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'data' referenced before assignment


For some reasons, I was unable to reconnect to FAForever, or view the FA forever website, until I had shut down the FAforever lobby program.

Here's a paste-bin of my logs(the forever.txt file found in the logs folder):

And idea what happened here? Was it something controllable on my end?
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Re: Connectivity issue

Postby Ze_PilOt » 14 Jul 2013, 12:00

Means that you've lost connection to the server.

You have a lot of "TCP Socket Error" in your logs, as it only happens to you, it's on your side. Check firewall, Antivirus, peerblock,...
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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