REPLAYS: incorrect game time in descriptions of replays

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REPLAYS: incorrect game time in descriptions of replays

Postby Martin_PL » 07 May 2013, 14:30

Many errors occur in descriptions of replays in FAF Lobby.

I read: game time 1:06h and real replay time is (f.e.) 35 min.
I read (sometimes) incorect list of players (f.e.) 2 players insted of 8.

This two errors are pretty typical in FAF Lobby - section "replays".
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Re: REPLAYS: incorrect game time in descriptions of replays

Postby Ze_PilOt » 07 May 2013, 14:42

The is computed when the last player disconnect.

The server write what it knows. If these are incorrect, it's because it's incorrect to begin with. You have to report incorrect lobbies, and explain how it happen.
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