[Possible bug?] SMDs will not build missiles

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[Possible bug?] SMDs will not build missiles

Postby stringbean » 06 May 2013, 02:49

My brother and I just recently got back into playing SupCom and discovered FAF which has greatly improved our enjoyment of the game. We prefer to play together on a team, against as many AI's as we can manage.

However, we've found what I can only assume is a glitch in the game mechanics when it comes to building Strategic Missile Defenses. I've searched high and low, but haven't found mention of this glitch anywhere, much less a solution to it.

If we play a "Vanilla" game, SMDs seem to work fine, but if we play a standard "Forged Alliance" style game, the SMDs do not behave correctly. Once built, they will only build their missiles if your economy has a surplus of mass (production > usage). If you have a mass deficit (usage > production) all SMDs will pause building - yet still seem to be consuming the resources that SHOULD be going into building the missile. This is especially bad if you have units assisting the SMD, they will also consume resources, but no missiles will be produced.

The bug may also occur if you have an energy deficit, I'm not sure - Energy production is usually not a problem for me, but there are often times where I have a mass deficit, and I was surprised to learn that my SMDs stopped building during these times, rather than just "slowing down" like everything else does.

Does anyone know of a way to fix this? For now, we've "fixed" the problem by not allowing nukes in the games we play, but that eliminates part of the challenge...
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Re: [Possible bug?] SMDs will not build missiles

Postby BRNKoINSANITY » 06 May 2013, 04:52

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