I just found FAF today (via some remarkable Youtube vids by felixlighta), and decided to try it out.
I'm running into some issues with the installation, however as I cannot start the FAF Lobby client. Whenever I run the program, I get a box with a message "Setting up Session" and it stays there. The progress bar below stays frozen.
I'm not sure if FAF installed properly, my FA installation is on a steam installation on a different drive and searching through various forum posts and the wiki for details about installation, there's been various conflicting information with little actual explanation of how the installation is supposed to work. I've seen references to a folder C:/Forged Alliance Forever - Lobby, which is apparently different than C:/ProgramFiles/Forged Alliance Forever. Some posts saying to make a BinFaF folder in my installation directory and put FA.exe in there (although under Steam it's Supreme Commander.exe. Then I found that you set the path for the game directory in the lobby program itself.
I'd like to try and figure this out, so how exactly am I supposed to have this installed? My FA installation is on a separate HDD than my C: drive, and I don't know if that is affecting anything or not.
Reading other threads, I expect I'm inevitably going to be asked for logs. Although from my understanding logs aren't created unless the program actually starts and you enable logging. Since the program isn't starting for me, I don't have any logs. Or at least, none are under the installation directory.