Account problems

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Account problems

Postby Gromgrom » 23 Apr 2013, 01:32

I have two computers in my house, one with my main FaF account on and a laptop which is having issues with FAF. I don't always my main computer available to me so I can't play FAF, so then I went through the trouble of installing Supcom:FA & FAF on my laptop. All was going well until I tried to make an account and it wouldn't sign in saying there were log in issues. For awhile I just gave up, and ended up forgetting the original name/password and email i used for the creation of the account on the laptop. Then I tried to fix it on my own by uninstalling and reinstalling both faf and supcom (I have supcom via steam if that is at all relevant to this problem). I thought this would allow me to make a new account on the laptop and start over, but apparently not.
Is there a possible solution to my problem? Thank you.
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Re: Account problems

Postby Ze_PilOt » 23 Apr 2013, 08:14

Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Account problems

Postby Gromgrom » 23 Apr 2013, 19:51

I have already tried this method, and have had no success, is there any other way?
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Re: Account problems

Postby Ze_PilOt » 23 Apr 2013, 19:57


What was the problem ?
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Account problems

Postby Gromgrom » 23 Apr 2013, 22:26

I am unable to login to FAF due to the fact that there is no way of telling what username was registered on my laptop (is there). I have tried every username that I would have used with every email combination I have and have had no luck. Is there a way to reset FAF so a new username can be made on a computer; as I stated before I first thought that uninstalling/reinstalling all things supreme commander would yield this result, but it's obviously not that simple.
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Re: Account problems

Postby Ze_PilOt » 23 Apr 2013, 22:40

What is the problem with the password retrieval ?

You don't have to enter both your login AND your email. It's one of the other.

If you don't remember any of them, how am I supposed to find you in the db to manually solve your problem ?
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Account problems

Postby Gromgrom » 24 Apr 2013, 04:33

Sorry, I apologize for the inconvenience of it all I had made the account on the laptop roughly a year ago so I don't remember the email address. The username I believe is Gromgrom, but I have no idea what email it is linked to (I have checked all my active emails). If it isn't Gromgrom then I'll just assume I'm outa luck. Thanks again for the help Ze_Pilot!
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Re: Account problems

Postby Ze_PilOt » 24 Apr 2013, 07:45

If you try Gromgrom in the password retrievial, you will get a mail to a yahoo account.

Hopefully, yahoo is no longer blocking our mails.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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