FAF bugs...

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FAF bugs...

Postby VoiceofReason » 15 Apr 2013, 04:01

Never really updates the players status in FA properly anymore for anyone that afaik. When you're finished a game, its done, exited FA and all it usually always shows the double swords as if you are still in a game, same for many players in FAF that are not in a game. Sometimes shows a person is waiting in lobby also if they joined one an hour ago and just left instead. Since this stuff is not working as intended, maybe just remove it entirely or... Work on a fix?

Game lobby reporting to FAF # of players. I constantly see msgs coming up in aeolous of players saying, says 8/8, really 7/8 need 1+... Not sure if these things are getting reported, but I see them constantly and I know others
do too.

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Re: FAF bugs...

Postby Ze_PilOt » 15 Apr 2013, 09:31

As you can see by using the seach function, you are the first one reporting this.

Do you know if it happened recently of if it's a new bug ?
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: FAF bugs...

Postby J_C » 15 Apr 2013, 15:47

Hmmm this happened to me since i joined FAF 3 weeks ago. Never bothered with it though, since it eventually still updates (like 5 minutes or so...).
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Re: FAF bugs...

Postby RoundTabler » 15 Apr 2013, 16:23

This has been happening for at least a couple months. Last night, I waited for ~45 minutes after winning a game, and FAF still said I was ingame. The delay in updating your status seems to coincide with updating your rating with the results of the last match.
Avantgarde: bug reports go to you [zep] via PM?
Ze_PilOt_: no
Ze_PilOt_: never.

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I think the game you want to play is Starcraft 2.
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Re: FAF bugs...

Postby Ze_PilOt » 15 Apr 2013, 16:28

Of course it is. If that's the bug, it's not a bug :)
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: FAF bugs...

Postby VoiceofReason » 15 Apr 2013, 17:45

Do you know if it happened recently of if it's a new bug ?

It has been for months that the status does not update properly, same with game lobby player #.
Trying to think back; I believe it was before avatars and flags were implemented - Probably even before then.

The delay in updating your status seems to coincide with updating your rating with the results of the last match.

Also, I've seen my rating update after a game while still showing the doubleswords. I have not noticed the correlation you have. Also, as I said, I can join a game and leave it; Will still show the single sword as if Im in lobby; I doubt this bug relates to rating update.
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Re: FAF bugs...

Postby Ze_PilOt » 15 Apr 2013, 17:57

Oh, the single sword is actually a "local" problem : ask anyone else, you will see they won't see your sword.

That's because the lobby show you what some game will be if you join (the "with you in the game lister").
By doing so, your lobby think you are actually in it. But no one else see it.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: FAF bugs...

Postby BRNKoINSANITY » 16 Apr 2013, 06:33

Something I have noticed about this... The "8/8" number tends to not refresh most of the time after disconnects or kicks. If a player is kicked, it seems that the number will not refresh until the play that was kicked clicks ok in the "you were kicked" box. Also, for the disconnects, sometimes the number won't refresh till after the person times out from the FAF client or exits it.

Just some personal observations, not sure how accurate this is or if it is a certainty.

Also, I only noticed the incorrect player statuses within the last month or so.
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Re: FAF bugs...

Postby ColonelSheppard » 16 Apr 2013, 06:46

the 8/8 number can be fixed as it was always fixed: put an AI into the slot you see free and remove it
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Re: FAF bugs...

Postby pip » 16 Apr 2013, 09:26

What I noticed is that sometimes, after a game between two players, for instance Crazed and Zock, I often see the double crossed swords are gone for Crazed when the game is over, but not for Zock (as if he was still playing the same game), who was the host of the game. I may be wrong but it seems that there is a refresh delay for the host ; it seems the lobby refreshes faster for the players who didn't host. Unless it depends on who quit the game first (but I don't think so, the crossed swords remain quite long after the game is over).
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