When creating a game, and trying to move the player around, it work once or twice. After that it bugs, and sometimes even crash.
Map was: SentinaIII
8 Players were in
1) Move player slot 7 to slot 2 -> Works (I see the 2 players going as Observer, and automatically go to there new slot)
2) Move players slot 2 to 7 -> Works also
3) Move please Slot 7 to 2 -> Doesn't work - Players 2 goes to Observer, Player 7 disappear ! Player 2 is not moved to slot 7. Ask player 7 were he was he says he didn't move or went as an observer. This is curious because as the host player 7 wasn't there anymore !!!
I tried this with other slots after, and the same issue happened. After 5 or 6 tries, the game crashed.