Video Card Recommendation?

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Video Card Recommendation?

Postby Cynic » 28 Mar 2013, 07:26

My video card just died, so I need to get a new one.

Does anyone have any video card recommendations, specifically for compatibility with SupCom and FAF? Is there a recommendation regarding AMD vs. NVIDIA? There was a long thread regarding video cards and compatibility with dual monitors on FAF, but I don't think any conclusions were made regarding specific video cards:

I am considering something like:
Nvidia GTX 650 Ti or GTX 660
Radeon HD 7850.

Thanks for the advice.
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Re: Video Card Recommendation?

Postby Swkoll » 29 Mar 2013, 17:05

All modern video cards run FAF visually smoothly. I have a shitty intel card and I can shoutcast and play at high framerates. I recommend taking whatever money you would put towards a video card and put it towards a better CPU. That is, unless you want to play other AAA games.
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Re: Video Card Recommendation?

Postby Combo » 29 Mar 2013, 20:09

Both the 660 and the 7850 are good cards. I personally went with the 7850 because it's easy to overclock (even without a voltage increase) so you get 7870 performance which beats the 660 and offers similar performance to the 660 Ti (but costs much less).

Personally I went with a factory overclocked 7850 (VTX3D 2Gb) and then squeezed a little more out of it with MSI Afterburner.
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Re: Video Card Recommendation?

Postby Plasma_Wolf » 29 Mar 2013, 21:51

As for Ati v Nvidia, I'd recommend Ati because of an issue Nvidia cards had or still have. When you looked at explosions, you'd see squares appear (For instance of the smoke the nukes left, those were all blocks).

That is an old issue but it was persistent for quite a while, so I don't know if it's still there or not but I wouldn't take the chance.

The issue is a minor one though so the best thing you can do is look at some tech site that checks the quality of the video cards.

Combo's idea of overclocking the card is not a bad idea either, if it is very simple. First thing to do though, is check your price range.
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