by Aulex » 25 Apr 2013, 02:22
I just wanted to update this and say that i was reconnected to chat again today on my laptop after what looks like a month now, but a few minutes later i got a tcp error, everything went offline so i reconnected. When i restarted faf and joined chat it listed most of the people as irc users and whenever i tried to chat it said irc disconnected. So I tried restarting faf again and starting getting the error again, any idea zep?
I tried going on again after a few minutes and i got connected to the chat again, im not sure what is going on now.
"Let's start beating ass and die" - drunk TA4Life
"Just because you have a d*** doesn't mean you need to be one...pussy" -Blackdeath
SCOUTING SAVES LIVES to play Sup Com by Ubilaz