"Nick already in use" bug

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"Nick already in use" bug

Postby Flynn » 10 Mar 2013, 23:54

Okay this is really annoying, when the weird "the remote host has closed the connection" thing occurs and I then close FAF and reopen it sometimes the server window just says "nick already in use" and the client won't let me access the chat which is really annoying! There doesn't appear to be a way around this in the client from what I can see.
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Re: "Nick already in use" bug

Postby Ze_PilOt » 10 Mar 2013, 23:57

For the third time, something on your side is cutting the connection, and the server is not aware of it.
There is a latency (from 1 second up to 5 min) for the server to detect it through the ping system.

Until that, you are still online for it, so you nick still exists,...
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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