For example, in the map "survival_5thdimension.v0001" option "Survival: Build Time" should be on "2:30" (150) after the file "survival_5thdimension_options.lua" While the hen is creates a game, the lobby will select every time the first available option (either "0").
Same for "Final Rush 4v4 Pro3" and the "Air Transport Only" which should be set to "Enabled" then it is "Disabled".
It'd be a little FIX!
This is a problem between the lobby and loading some parameter file {mapname} _options.lua.
Moreover, it seems to me that there is not just the parameter "default" as the lobby is not charging.
"label", "tooltip", "values", "key" his work, but the rest I'm not sure.
For exemple, test host a "survival_5thdimension" ans look in lobby if the option "Survival: Build Time" is 0minute or 2m30s.
The "survival_5thdimension_options.lua" is :
- Code: Select all
options =
default = 150,
label = "Survival: Build Time",
help = "Length of initial building time.",
key = 'opt_Survival_BuildTime',
pref = 'opt_Survival_BuildTime',
values = {
{text = "0:00 (Default)",help = "", key = 0, },
{text = "0:30",help = "", key = 30, },
{text = "1:00",help = "", key = 60, },
{text = "1:30",help = "", key = 90, },
{text = "2:00",help = "", key = 120, },
{text = "2:30",help = "", key = 150, },
{text = "3:00",help = "", key = 180, },
{text = "4:00",help = "", key = 240, },
{text = "5:00",help = "", key = 300, },
{text = "6:00",help = "", key = 360, },
{text = "7:00",help = "", key = 420, },
{text = "8:00",help = "", key = 480, },
{text = "9:00",help = "", key = 540, },
{text = "10:00",help = "", key = 600, },
default set 150 (2m30s), not a 0 (0min) !
The lobby load 0.