Game Won't Start

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Game Won't Start

Postby Viaknar » 25 Feb 2013, 03:20

When ever I try and create a game from the FAF Client, the game just won't start. What I mean by this is that after the updates and I click host game, The game itself stays on a black screen and just won't go from there. I see the process is running for both FAF and SupCom FA and I even see the cursor for SupCom FA while the black screen is there and when ever I pull it back up from the task bar after Alt-Tabbing out to check the process. I have done this mutilpe times and no my firewall is not the problem, I have check and even turned it off to try.
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Re: Game Won't Start

Postby Ze_PilOt » 25 Feb 2013, 09:29

Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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