ACU Resource Allocation Bug

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ACU Resource Allocation Bug

Postby Supreme321 » 21 Feb 2013, 04:10

When you pause a commander for a resource allocation upgrade and use your engineers the commander wont finish the upgrade unless if he is unpaused. Is there a way to fix this because if he stays paused the engies still eat your resources as if the upgrade is still being performed.
Ze_PilOt wrote:Once it's done, I will give a little preview thingy so you can test and break it :)
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Re: ACU Resource Allocation Bug

Postby rootbeer23 » 21 Feb 2013, 05:22

are you certain that its not just the yellow progress bar on the ACU that gets stuck and that both the progress bars
on the engis and the actual upgrade are indeed progressing normally? because i am certain that this is the case.
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Re: ACU Resource Allocation Bug

Postby Supreme321 » 21 Feb 2013, 22:52

No rootbeer23. The upgrade occurs on the engineer side and their progress bar still increases. Once you get to the end though the upgrade wont finish unless if the commander is not paused and during this time your resources are still being eaten as if the upgrade is occurring. The upgrade does finish on the engineer side, but doesn't translate over to the commander side unless if you intervene.
Ze_PilOt wrote:Once it's done, I will give a little preview thingy so you can test and break it :)
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