Unit DB Sera T2 PD

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Unit DB Sera T2 PD

Postby Stratocaster » 12 Feb 2013, 13:33

I've been treating this as a "little known secret", but I guess it's time to let it out.

The Sera T2 PD actually does more damage than the UnitDB would have you believe. A few times, i tried to tank it with my ACU, assuming it was as weak as a Cyb T2, only to panic when I see my ACU's HP dropping fast. It is due to it doing 50% more damage than expected.

UnitDB parse:
Ultrachromatic Beam Generator (Direct Fire, Normal): 110 dps, range: 0 - 50, area damage radius: 0
beam: 2 times 220 damage every 0.4 seconds = 440 damage total
fire cycle: 1 beam every 4 seconds, 440 damage total
turret pitch: 0° ±30° (44°/s), turret yaw: 0° ±180° (60°/s)

Ultrachromatic Beam Generator (Direct Fire, Normal): 165 dps, range: 0 - 50, area damage radius: 0
beam: 3 times 220 damage every 0.4 seconds = 660 damage total
fire cycle: 1 beam every 4 seconds, 660 damage total

Balanced? I'm fine with it.

I do think the Cybran T2 PD needs some love. IMO, should reduce its cost, instead of increasing DPS, as I think Cybran tend to prefer numbers.
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Re: Unit DB Sera T2 PD

Postby ColonelSheppard » 12 Feb 2013, 21:44

the UnitDB trolls a bit around sometimes
the Cybran PD has always been crap, if you want to apply for a balance patch change goto the "3622" forum
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