Cannot create/join games

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Cannot create/join games

Postby Stupid68 » 12 Feb 2013, 04:03

So working from a hotel network this week - can start FAF and run replays ok but when creating or trying to join a game it hangs. Looks like it isn't shaking hands somewhere but not sure.

Some log output when starting the game which "hangs:

2013-02-11 19:56:20,605 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for map: scmp_009
2013-02-11 19:56:20,605 INFO faf.fa Map is available.
2013-02-11 19:56:20,605 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "game_join", "uid": 630272, "gameport": 6112}
2013-02-11 19:56:20,801 INFO faf.client Handling game_launch via JSON {u'args': [u'/ratingcolor 85858585', u'/numgames 73'], u'command': u'game_launch', u'uid': 630272, u'mod': u'faf'}
2013-02-11 19:56:20,802 INFO faf.fa Running FA with info: {'recorder': u'Stupid68', 'game_time': 1360634180.801, 'uid': 630272, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.4'}, 'featured_mod': u'faf'}
2013-02-11 19:56:20,802 INFO faf.fa Running FA via command: "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe" /ratingcolor 85858585 /numgames 73 /mean 1628.21 /deviation 190.305 /init init_faf.lua /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/630272/Stupid68.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet
2013-02-11 19:56:20,823 INFO faf.client FA has launched in an attached process.
2013-02-11 19:56:28,869 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver incoming connection to relay server...
2013-02-11 19:56:28,869 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA connected locally.
2013-02-11 19:56:28,871 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA will use local port 61259
2013-02-11 19:56:28,871 INFO faf.fa.relayer UDP relay port 6112
2013-02-11 19:56:28,947 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer faf server
2013-02-11 19:56:28,947 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer Initializing ping timer
2013-02-11 19:56:28,947 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
2013-02-11 19:56:28,947 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Idle"]}

It just hangs here until I terminate the process or close the window

Have tried some basic troubleshooting such as enabling UPnP/trying different ports/rebooting still no avail..

Any troubleshooting thoughts? Is it my freaking hotel ISP and just SOL? (they said everything was open...)

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Cannot create/join games

Postby xeonight » 12 Feb 2013, 04:55

Where does it hang? at the 'Connecting...' screen? or after it reaches the lobby and it's trying to ping/connect to all the other ppl?

If it's the ladder, i had the same problem when i DISABLED the option on my router to 'Respond to ping on internet port', after re-enabling it, i no longer had that long delay/hang/'connection lost' after 60 seconds+ of trying to get other ppl's pings/connections.

Hope that helps, but as you are almost definitely not able to change any options on the hotel router... then you probly are SOL :(
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Re: Cannot create/join games

Postby Stupid68 » 12 Feb 2013, 05:39

Able to create the game but it doesn't actually connect to the game menu. Just a blank screen with a mouse arrow.

Same thing for when trying to join. No actual errors just blank screen and NO online multiplayer connection.

Replays are fine.

Yeah, SOL I suspect :( works fine at home.
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Re: Cannot create/join games

Postby xeonight » 12 Feb 2013, 06:42

have you tried jailbreaking/rooting your phone and tethering it to your laptop? better than not playing at all i suspect :\

Edit: IF suggesting slightly dangerous (only if you don't know what your doing) things like jailbreak is against forum policies, then i apologize, just delete my post, or let me know, and i will
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