Hi guys...
I was banned from FAF for opening it inside VMware. I'd be really happy if you could unban me. I'm not a cheater/hacker/smurf/proxy, I assure you this is a misunderstanding, let me explain...
I dual boot my machine (Mac OS X + Windows 7) because I do a lot of iOS dev work and frankly prefer Mac OSX for daily use. I fired up VMWare fusion and booted my Windows drive to update FAF and see if it was back up and running because I didn't want to reboot into Windows unless FAF was working again. I was shocked to see I was banned for opening FAF in a VM. I understand that this might be an anti-cheat system or something and I won't do it again, but I assure you this was nothing but innocent.
The message I got when I loaded FAF said I was banned for using a VM and to post in the forums, so here we are...