"Application Configuration Incorrect"

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"Application Configuration Incorrect"

Postby MajorPluksat » 22 Jan 2013, 02:58


My computer done screwed up, so I have recently reinstalled XP and am in the process or reinstalling all my programs etc. I have been trying to get FAF to work however have run into a brick wall of this error

"J:\Program Files\SupCom\Forged Alliance Forever\FAForever.exe
This Application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem"

Naturally, reinstalling did not help, so I'm here. I believe all my drivers are now installed properly and updated, and I have ensured I have the correct visual c++ package installed. I've looked for logs, but I cannot find them

Any ideas on how to fix this would be much appreciated

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Re: "Application Configuration Incorrect"

Postby ColonelSheppard » 22 Jan 2013, 07:52


as far as i read windows XP is not supported
Ze_Pilot wrote:it may work, it may not work
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Re: "Application Configuration Incorrect"

Postby MajorPluskat » 22 Jan 2013, 11:11

I realise that, however I have never encountered trouble running the client on two previous xP installs, so I was wondering if anyone could help. I'm out atm, when I get back ill look again for logs
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Re: "Application Configuration Incorrect"

Postby Ze_PilOt » 22 Jan 2013, 11:32

There is not a lot of dependencies left in the client, I don't see what can be missing.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: "Application Configuration Incorrect"

Postby MajorPluskat » 22 Jan 2013, 11:54

That was kind of my thought, I thought all it needed was visually c++....
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Re: "Application Configuration Incorrect"

Postby MajorPluskat » 22 Jan 2013, 12:27

Do you have a list of dependencies or know where I can find them zep?
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Re: "Application Configuration Incorrect"

Postby Ze_PilOt » 22 Jan 2013, 12:32

Except the C++ runtime library (msvcr90.dll), I don't see any.

You really should think of updating to windows 7 or 8.

XP is 12 year old and not even supported anymore by microsoft (or any recent hardware).

To give you an idea of the insane obsolescence of XP, using it now is like keeping windows 1.0 (1985) and/or MS-DOS 3.20 (not even 3.3 :)) while everybody was on windows 98.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: "Application Configuration Incorrect"

Postby MajorPluksat » 22 Jan 2013, 14:38

I am thinking of upgrading, when I finally have the money to upgrade my pc which should be soon xD

However, right now I'm running on XP still, and my computer blowing up means I needed to reinstall it as my pc is needed for work and I don't have the time to wait for a new os to arrive

Cheers for the help, I guess I am just going to have to wait until I can upgrade before I can play any more FA, unless you have any other ideas...
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Re: "Application Configuration Incorrect"

Postby Ze_PilOt » 22 Jan 2013, 17:12

Try installing all the VC redistributable and NET framework you can find :)

Also, if you have a python installation, a module can conflict with FAF.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: "Application Configuration Incorrect"

Postby Pathogenic » 21 Apr 2013, 19:24

Ze_PilOt wrote:Try installing all the VC redistributable and NET framework you can find :)

Also, if you have a python installation, a module can conflict with FAF.

I recently reinstalled XP due to mysterious slowdown issues, and am running into the same issue. FAF was working previously, but after the OS reinstall it gave the error listed. I installed the VC redistributable and .net framework 4, but neither resolved the issue. I have no python installation.

Also, prior to this OS reinstall, the replay feature of FAF was not working. Clicking on replay links (even for my own replays on my disk) would lead to a crash (FA starts, black screen, hangs up and crashes). Interestingly, when I choose to "show replays in folder", and run the replay directly from the file and not FAF, it works fine. I know it is an XP issue because I also have a windows 7 computer which has no such issues.

I am trying to get FAF to run on my XP machine because occassionally the windows 7 machine is being used by others. Yes XP is old. But almost 20% of folks still run it. It would be nice to consider at least looking into some of the XP issues for the 1 in 5 users who don't run Vista, Windows 7 or 8.

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