start time: 03.01.2012 (Thursday) 21.00 GMT+1
Please sign up via FAF and not here.
This 1 vs 1 tournament will be played via costum games with default settings, so your global rating will be affected.
3 Rounds (25 min each) on 3 different Maps, Swiss Style, no Faction Restriction (ok at least no nomads
Maps are the following:
1. Round: Blasted Rocks
2. Round: Theta Passage
3. Round: Ambush Pass
(4. Round: Finns Revenge (if we haven't a clear winner))
1st Place: Blitz Champion (until the next Blitz tourney)
2nd and 3rd Place: Faction Logo (for one months)
If you have questions just ask me.
HF & GL Commanders!
Info: It's not possible to recieve an avatar if you own a division one.